For making paneer
Milk 1 litre
Lemon extract/Vinegar 1 spoon
For making rabadi
Milk 1 ltr
Sugar as required
Cardamon powder a pinch
Heat 1 ltr of milk and when it starts boiling add lemon extract so that the milk gets curdle.
Now take thin soft cloth and drain the curdled milk. Then hang it for atleast half an hour.
After half an hour of draining kneed the paneer to soft dough.
Take a pan and boil another litre of milk in a slow flame at occasional stirring for atleast an hour.
when the milk starts thickening add required amount of sugar to your taste.
Take 6 cups of water along with 1 cup sugar and make it to boil to make sugar syrup.
Then make the soft knead dough to small balls.
Flatten the small balls and add to boiling sugar syrup so that the paneer gets cooked.
Carefully take the cooked paneer and press it softly so that it oozes out the water in it.
Now add the cooked paneer to the rabadi. Let it soak for a while. Add little saffron and almonds.
Keep it in fridge and serve chill.